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Unread 08-17-2010, 08:14 PM   #7
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Hello kurun, this was indeed one of the possible ways I intended to use if required. (ActionVoip was exactly the one I targeted.)
But for me it is more a problem of principle than money: I just would like not to promote Betamax if they cannot stop lying. For me there are only two behaviours: the collaborate or they don't.

I can understand that they don't answer to their own customers questions, and even complains due to the few employees they have. But when it is a strategic partner like Voxalot, I definitively cannot. (cfr. Martin mail that never got answer.)
If they don't want to collaborate, ok, just fine. But it should be clear.

So, I won't use this possible way: I sincerely prefer to spend more than the most expensive Betamax and test another non-Betamax provider. At least I give a chance to another company, probably more respectful of their customers. (Currently I think to voippro of voicetrading, but I still need to check there is no relationship with Betamax.)

Anyway, thank you for your comment.

PS: just for the closest family members, I manage 19 accounts (4 Poivy + 7 VoipCheap + 6 Rynga + 2 JustVoip). I should calculate how much is the total, taking into account larger family and friends...

Last edited by padboll; 08-18-2010 at 08:49 AM.
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