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-   -   voxalot that only works sometimes with other providers?? (https://forum.sipbroker.com/showthread.php?t=7357)

chucurulo 07-02-2011 03:42 PM

voxalot that only works sometimes with other providers??
voxalot that only works sometimes with other providers??

friends since acquired an account primium I could not enjoy anything because the voip proverdor I have when I log in I only voxalot works for about 5 minutes and then goes down, and I have desativado and reactivate the account of the Provedor for work another 5 minutes down. I presume that is the register expires, but do not see where to change the value.

anyone can help me because I'm one of voxalot face is as if this were a hoax buy it and you just as you can solve any support I am uncomfortable about this if I could return my money would be happy :mad:

bridonca 07-02-2011 05:28 PM

Sadly, your router is the problem, not Voxalot. Because the router is garbage, the router forgets where Voxalot is after 5 minutes if there is nothing to remind the router. If you set the register keep alive on the device using Voxalot to something like 2 minutes, that should fix the problem. But you really should get a better router, one that is able to use a 3rd part firmware such as DD-WRT

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