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sam142 06-21-2011 09:46 AM

illimited incoming outgoing call

I am a newbie and lives in france.

the aim of voxalot using forwarding call is to be able to make international call so peole pay the local price twice ( in my case in france and canada).

All French people have illimited call plan for cheap price for calling international local number phone ( 30 euro/month include gsm call and adsl ) . pay for incoming call in france don't exist ( except when we explicit want that the people to reach ll pay the communication .

In canada it seem differents because incoming call ( only international , i don't think local-country with mobile or pstn) have to be paid ( this not occurs if an option is take for illimited international incoming call) .

So is there a canadian voip service provider that include illimited calll without add charge for incoming or outgoing call) . I don't want the person i call pay something ( be charged ) . I want that my call in france is see as a local call in canada and not as an international one even i call to pstn phone or mobile phone in canada.
Do you know any providers which offer this with a local pstn geographical number ( Local Access Numbers for outgoing/incoming call )?
does this canadian provider accept foreign subscription ?
Sorry for my bad english

bridonca 06-22-2011 11:52 PM

freephoneline.ca might be what you want. sadly, it costs $50 to get SIP settings, but after that, it is free.

I think you need a Canadian address to register.

kurun 06-26-2011 01:47 AM


I want that my call in france is see as a local call in canada and not as an international one even i call to pstn phone or mobile phone in canada.
Incoming calls are generally not charged (PSTN or Mobile) independently of whether from a Canadian or international number.

In case of Mobile phone, the recipient may pay for incoming call air time, based on their mobile service plan.

Some VoIP services do charge per minute for the use of their DID.

Obviously, if you want calls for free, your recipient should use a VoIP service like Voxalot to receive the calls.

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