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zcharming 11-23-2009 03:38 AM

Betamax fup again!!!
A few days ago, I can use Betamax id(like voipraider etc.) to place freecalls with US voxalot server to avoid FUP. I placed much calls as free calls. but now it said FUP exceeded. I want to know if Voxalot still support make calls with Betamax freecalls?

mohnashaat 11-25-2009 10:02 PM

FUP of betamax , i think is 300 min/week, they count it per IP not per account as i readed on other threads, so maybe as the call is coming from voxalot, they see all the voxalot user with the same IP.

tatjam 11-26-2009 05:18 AM

I'm getting the same FUP exceeded charges in my betamax account (justvoip) over the last couple of weeks or so. I have not even used 200 minutes for this whole month, so exceeding the 300 min./wk. condition could not possibly apply to my account. Perhaps the old IP issue has returned, where betamax sees all calls being made through voxalot as originating from the same (voxalot) IP? Voxalot seemed to have fixed this some time ago, and it's true I saw no FUP exceeded charges since I started using betamax last April and up to about two weeks ago. So, has some update been done at voxalot that screwed things up again? Like maybe the system is no longer passing user IP's to betamax rather than voxalot's IP? It'd be nice to know.


PS I've been unable to dial out using justvoip for quite a few hours now--even using a softphone not configured to go through voxalot. Using voxalot+ATA I get an immediate busy signal with any PSTN call I try, while the softphone simply drops the call immediately after dialing. Betamax seems to be having some technical issues at the moment--this in addition to the FUP problem described in this thread.

martin 11-26-2009 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by tatjam (Post 25901)
So, has some update been done at voxalot that screwed things up again? Like maybe the system is no longer passing user IP's to betamax rather than voxalot's IP? It'd be nice to know.

IP addresses for all proxy are still the same and are still being passed to down stream providers. There have been no changes in this area for well over a year.

tatjam 11-26-2009 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by martin (Post 25902)
IP addresses for all proxy are still the same and are still being passed to down stream providers. There have been no changes in this area for well over a year.

Thanks for your reply. Advice on how to proceed, then? Direct complaints to the betamax reseller, I suppose? I know at least one of them has a forum. I'll start looking into that. Other VP's, while more expensive, are another option I'll be looking at. Betamax and resellers have not been exactly what you'd call accessible/responsive.


tatjam 12-08-2009 03:22 PM

I had been using the eu.voxalot.com server, even though I'm located in the U.S. (switched my ATA over to eu.voxalot.com sometime recently in order to run some experiments, then forgot to change it back to us.voxalot.com). Now that I've switched back to us.voxalot.com I've ceased getting these FUP exceeded messages--at least so far. You can pretty much forget about getting any response from Betamax and/or resellers to complaints about erroneous FUP exceeded charges. I've sent two complaints over the last 3 weeks and nary a peep in response from Betamax/reseller. This company obviously operates according to slumlord ethics: for your money they give you whatever is convenient to them. So far the arrangement works out economically in my favor but there could come a point when that will change and if and when it does I'll happily to leave Betamax and resellers behind, never looking back. For the moment, they're just the lesser of two evils.


snvv 12-12-2009 10:25 PM

Since yesterday I have the FUP issue even from the us server.

khabibul35 12-12-2009 11:12 PM

FUP here too, from US server

Bob0260 12-13-2009 04:20 PM

Yes and I also. FUP US server

Bob0260 12-13-2009 04:46 PM

Just changed over to the au server and am getting FUP again.

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