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-   -   setup for NB9W with voxalot dial plans for pennytel and iinet? (https://forum.sipbroker.com/showthread.php?t=1650)

tdogg 06-02-2007 09:51 AM

setup for NB9W with voxalot dial plans for pennytel and iinet?
hey, i'm really struggling to get this working. i'd been using iinet for voip up until last week, started up a free pennytel account for cheaper calls.

NB9W voip with iinet, works fine, as a normal pstn.

NB9W voip with pennytel needs area code for landlines, and country code for 13/1300/1800 numbers.

i'm on the timed pennytel account, so wanted to still use iinet for australian landlines to get the 15c untimed if i need it.

so i signed up with VoXaLot, put in details of both pennytel and iinet, and put in the relevant dial plans.

NB9W voip with VoXaLot fails the first few times to register to the sip, but after a few minutes does. but then even with dial plans set up, all calls go through pennytel and no dial plans are taking effect (even number adding/subtracting through dial plans.

i've posted my settings here, if someone can help me get this working i'd really appreciate it.

NB9W settings:

VoXaLot settings:

since then i have deleted all my dial plans, and my router is defintaley registered to voxalot and only voxalot. all my calls are going through pennytel still.

my first preference is to get the dial plans working to match and add numbers for area codes of local numbers, as my housemates really hate having to use area codes all of a sudden.

affinity 06-03-2007 02:31 PM

It looks like you have 13, 1300 and 1800 numbers set to go to the PSTN and not via iiNet nor Pennytel -- this is due to your emergency calls setup.

Dr Sir Paul 06-08-2007 01:48 AM

Have you got it going yet ?
See affinity's reply, set it up for only 000 to landline.
I have NB9W works great with different providers should be fine with your choice.
Use the test panel on dial plans. Enter a phone number (eg 89898989) and it will display how it sends that to your SIP.

tdogg 09-03-2007 06:06 PM

sorry for the late reply.

yes, i sort of got it working. i can get voxalot registered on my nb9w, has been for months now. pennytel works fine, with dial plans putting in area codes automatically, and i've left 13/18 numbers going through to the landline - for correct location dialling.

still have no luck getting iinet to work with voxalot though, this seems to be a universal problem that iinet have caused.

my only reason these days for switching to iinet is to use voip over it's free-zone unshaped download area. when i'm capped (64k) pennytel calls get stuttery of course due to bandwith limitations.

temp fix is just to set my router back to iinet and not use voxalot when i'm shaped, and to switch back when the next month cycle starts again. annoying, but the only solution so far, i think?

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