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-   -   Cant seem to make a call using e164 lookup.. (https://forum.sipbroker.com/showthread.php?t=3026)

BlueDream 04-29-2008 04:12 PM

Cant seem to make a call using e164 lookup..
I've got family that live a fair distance apart whom are hooked up with VoIP as well as I.

We've both got Voxalot accounts and have registered the appropriate numbers with e164.org and put the appropriate call plan into Voxalot so that it does an ENUM lookup.

When I use the 'dial plan test' function in the voxalot smart call (dial plan) with the number of my family member, voxalot correctly recognises that the number is registered with e164 and forwards it directly to the voxalot account of my family member.

But when I actually dial the number from my phone I get a busy signal.

I've checked to see that the phones are both working normally, by calling them from my mobile and using them to call my mobile - which works fine. It's just when they try to call each other that I'm getting the busy signal.

What could be the cause of this?

evilbunny 04-30-2008 12:11 AM

Ignoring ENUM for a second, are you able to call both phone using the voxalot numbers?

BlueDream 04-30-2008 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by evilbunny (Post 16378)
Ignoring ENUM for a second, are you able to call both phone using the voxalot numbers?

I'm not sure how to call the voxalot numbers...

Are the numbers just the account numbers of the respective voxalot accounts?

If it's any help I can dial the sip broker numbers:

*011188888 and get a recording
*266-300 and hear the monkeys
*013-1-516-687-5089 and hear the advertisement then it says that I successfully made the call using ENUM

I can also use the sip broker local PSTN access number to call both voxalot accounts;

08 9282 3229 (perth local sip broker number) *061 (au.voxalot.com code) [voxalot account number]

Without the brackets:

08 9282 3229 *061 [voxalot account number]

Is the sip broker connecting the call through ENUM or just directly connecting to Voxalot? I'm assuming it is via voxalot.


OK I can call using the sip broker ENUM server. So I dial this:

08 9282 3229 *013 [DID registered with e164.org]

The call goes through fine.

BlueDream 04-30-2008 10:15 AM

OK my bad....

It just SOUNDS like the typical engaged signal....

I never let the phone ring out because it sounded like it was engaged, so now begs the question how do I get the voxalot ring tone to sound like it is ringing, when all the other dial tones sound like the normal dialling tone?

evilbunny 05-01-2008 12:28 AM

you just ring the 6 digit number to call another voxalot number directly.

As for the ringing, that's a setting in your phone, software, devices.

BlueDream 05-01-2008 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by evilbunny (Post 16391)
As for the ringing, that's a setting in your phone, software, devices.

Ok, which setting should I be looking at considering that all other phone calls sound like the normal ringing signal?

It is just when the call goes through ENUM (actually I haven't tried just calling the 6 digit voxalot number) that it sounds like the phone is engaged.

Even when I used sip broker with *013 it sounded like the normal ringing signal.

BlueDream 05-01-2008 05:24 AM

OK I've discovered it is the 'ring back' tone that needs to be altered in my Billion 6404VGP and my families 7404VGP-M.

Now I just need to find the settings for a ring like sound..

Ok I'm using the following settings in my Billion 6404VGP for the ring back tone:

FQ1: 500 POW1: -24 FQ2: 525 POW2: -24 ON1: 400 OFF1: 200 REPEAT1: 1 ON2: 400 OFF2: 2000 REPEAT 2: 1

Note: this setting gives a notably higher pitched ringing sound, which I think is good to be able to determine when I'm making an ENUM call or a call with voxalot to another voxalot number.

Thanks for the tip on calling other voxalot numbers (which also uses that ring back tone)

emoci 05-01-2008 04:53 PM

Just a heads up (in case anyone else searches this up later) to call another VoXalot user from your current VoXalot acct, assuming the user you are calling has VoX Account number 123456, you could dial:

+8829993-123456 (via ENUM style dialing)

The last two forms can also be used when calling in from any SipBroker PSTN Access Number.....

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