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-   -   Can I check Voxalot registration to ATA remotely? (https://forum.sipbroker.com/showthread.php?t=4820)

toolio 03-19-2010 03:51 PM

Can I check Voxalot registration to ATA remotely?

I am having problems with a Voxalot account connected to a Linksys PAP2T at a location outside the country. Is there a way I can check to see if Voxalot is registered on that ATA from the Voxalot pages?

I know my Voxalot configuration is fine because if I register the same account to an ATA where I currently am all the calls to the registered providers go through just fine. But they don't seem to be going through at the original location and I have no way of telling whether it is registering with Voxalot because I am not there.


... after writing the above I also noticed that I have a provider I cannot unregister..tried a week or so ago, tried again a couple of days ago and tried again today. No matter what I do it stays "registered." If I delete and reenter the provider it comes back as "registered." Maybe I need a support person to reboot my voxalot account.. If support thinks that is the came please PM me and I will PM back with the account (I have two; one is fine). Of course, that doesn't mean the problem above isn't still a problem at the ATA end.

majo 03-19-2010 07:24 PM

for device status.
1. login to your account.
2. click account summary
3. at bottom of page you will find device status link.



toolio 03-19-2010 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by majo (Post 26870)
for device status.
1. login to your account.
2. click account summary
3. at bottom of page you will find device status link.



Thanks very much. That's exactly what I was looking for. Funny, my eyes just glanced over those fancy green links...I guess subconsciously I thought they were just page display elements. I must have clicked everywhere but there.

I seem to be registered in the remote location.

For some unexplained reason my account has started receiving calls again a few hours after my original post and the "always-registered" provider in my previous post finally no longer says it is registered, after many days of trying. Now if only my call display records would work I'd be happier.

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