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Williamz 07-24-2007 11:13 AM

New feature : Forwarding plan depending on provider

I have a 2 sip accounts registered with my vowalot premium account (a common number shared with my collegues and my direct number)

I would like to forward my direct number to my mobile :
1-out of normal business hours
2-when my wifi terminal is out of the reach of internet and not registered.

Do you plan to extend "forward plan" features so it would allow to forward the call depending on the registered account that is ringing ?!

Do you plan to extend "forward plan" features so it would allow to forward the call when no terminal is registered to the voxalot account ?!

Thank you


mimecine 07-24-2007 02:57 PM

+1 on that. Would be very helpful to have....

mgoebel 08-02-2007 07:15 AM

I would also like to have this feature. So I could manage my wife's and my own phone needs with just one account at Voxalot. Calls to her DID number would be forwarded to her phone and calls to my DID number to my phone.

martin 08-02-2007 07:26 AM

We have almost completed an enhancement to the call forwarding rules that will allow members to route calls based on provider registration.

As each DID will have a separate registration you will be able to route incoming calls by selecting the corresponding registration from a drop down list.

Coming soon.....

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