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Mallycat 05-28-2006 10:07 AM

Best Quality - Sip Broker or VoXaLot?
Which peering service should I use, VoXaLot or SIP Broker.

I have set up direct IP dialling to my SPA3000 with a SIP Broker Alias and VoXaLot forwarding pointing to my DNS. Now that VoXaLot has upgraded its server, should I get my friends to call me on my VoXaLot number *01051xxxx rather than my SIP Broker number *0116151xx? ie will I get the benefits of less latency with the new VoXaLot server? I have my family in Adelaide calling the PSTN local number in Adelaide, and I have a choice of giving them the VoXaLot or SIP Broker number. FYI, the SIP Broker Ping is 231 ms average and the new VoXaLot is 30 ms


maxalot 05-28-2006 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mallycat
Which peering service should I use, VoXaLot or SIP Broker....
FYI, the SIP Broker Ping is 231 ms average and the new VoXaLot is 30 ms

I think that you have answered your own question. Although once the call is setup I think Voxalot is out of the picture. There is a thread on this issue at WP.

Martin has answered several questions relating to this topic.
VoXaLot - ping times

Mallycat 05-31-2006 09:55 AM

I have read this thread, and am very interested in HOW to set up my ATA so it correctly routes the call bypassing VoXaLot once the SIP session has been initiated. This question was asked several times in the thread posted above, but has not been answered as yet. I assume the SIP message takes one path (via VoXaLot) and the UDP voice message takes a more direct path. I have not been able to experience this, so I assume my ATA is not set up as well as it could be.

Can someone help? Martin?



v164 05-31-2006 10:30 AM

STUN, I think

Originally Posted by Mallycat
I have read this thread, and am very interested in HOW to set up my ATA so it correctly routes the call bypassing VoXaLot once the SIP session has been initiated. This question was asked several times in the thread posted above, but has not been answered as yet. I assume the SIP message takes one path (via VoXaLot) and the UDP voice message takes a more direct path. I have not been able to experience this, so I assume my ATA is not set up as well as it could be.

If your ATA is behind a NAT (ie, it is not sitting on a public IP address), you need some way for the ATA to find out what the public IP address is, so it can put that address in the outgoing SIP messages.

One way is to use STUN, the other way would be to manually input the IP address. In addition, you would need to port forward some UDP ports for the incoming RTP stream (as well as UDP port 5060 for the incoming SIP INVITES).

Edited: more detail -

Basically, you need to get your ATA to send SIP INVITE messages out as if it was sitting on your public IP address.

Then, so you can actually receive the incoming audio stream from the other party when they answer, you need to either set port forwarding in your router, or use STUN to "punch a hole" for incoming RTP stream to get through - I think that's how STUN works.

reader 05-31-2006 11:22 PM

Thanks v164, it helps with the concept of how it works. I'd like to find something showing enough detail to configure it. We might learn more about SIP invites and responses along the way.

Anyone have any good links on this?

melbournelees 06-03-2006 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by reader
I'd like to find something showing enough detail to configure it.

Anyone have any good links on this?

If you're using Linksys or Sipura try here.

ctylor 06-03-2006 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by melbournelees
If you're using Linksys or Sipura try here.

The recommended settings found at this link work great on my adapter (SPA-2100) and allow it to 'punch holes' in the router's firewall so that I can use STUN entirely to identify my public IP address and to open up the necessary TCP and UDP ports for me so that my ATA requires zero configuration on a non-symmetric NAT router (which is most of them). My only difference in settings from the ones at this wiki are that my "STUN Test Enable" is set to yes, and "STUN Server" is stun.xten.com (since I found FWD to go down entirely from time to time--which would kill my VOIP for as long as the stun server was down).

martin 06-03-2006 01:19 PM

FYI, VoXaLot have a stun server also:


pvergers 06-05-2006 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by ctylor
My only difference in settings from the ones at this wiki are that my "STUN Test Enable" is set to yes, and "STUN Server" is stun.xten.com.

Any explanation as to why your Stun test is enabled but they recommend to disable?

ctylor 06-05-2006 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by pvergers
Any explanation as to why your Stun test is enabled but they recommend to disable?

STUN test is a setting that when added to the other ones, checks to see if your connection really needs NAT mapping and other NAT settings enabled or disabled and depending on what it discovers will modify your session settings accordingly, even if user specified otherwise, to ensure a more seamless functioning.

Mallycat 06-08-2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mallycat
I assume the SIP message takes one path (via VoXaLot) and the UDP voice message takes a more direct path.

Thanks for the replies - this is very interesting. I still have an earlier question as above however. Does the SIP message AND the UDP packets both route through VoXaLot or is it just SIP? I assume they both do otherwise there wouldn't be latency issues when using VoXaLot. Some of these threads however seem to suggest that UDP can bypass VoXaLot somehow. Are there any settings other than STUN that need to be set to make this happen? How does the SIP invite message know how to redirect the call?


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