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-   -   VoxPremium to go live on 16th July, 2007 (https://forum.sipbroker.com/showthread.php?t=1781)

usera 07-03-2007 08:36 PM

I think it is a little high and is a slight turn off especially with the registration limit; not even 1 for the basic? It's still an excellent service. Most services have free sip forward so it's not too large of an issue for most people in my opinion. I hope this means service can only get better after july 16. That's something most positive.

Kris404 07-04-2007 04:39 AM

VoXaLot's killer feature is multiple SIP registrations. Without any SIP registrations, voxBasic will practically be useless. Since the provider & dial plans could be implemented in Linksys ATAs to a certain extent by way of configuring gateways(1-10), the only other useful features are call forwarding & web callback (which we could also live without). I see another IPKall scenario in the making like affinity rightly observed.

usf 07-04-2007 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Kris404 (Post 9925)
VoXaLot's killer feature is multiple SIP registrations. Without any SIP registrations, voxBasic will practically be useless. ... snip........

That is right, at least, should provide one (1) sip registration, let user test this feature , so attract user to buy premium plan.

ozimarco 07-04-2007 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kris404 (Post 9925)
VoXaLot's killer feature is multiple SIP registrations. Without any SIP registrations, voxBasic will practically be useless.

I would have thought VoxBasic would have included at least one SIP registration. I think few people will be tempted to try Voxalot unless they can receive calls to their DID. I could be wrong, though. Time will tell.

vk4akp 07-04-2007 12:27 PM

OMG What a shock
Well, where to start..

I only came across this by mistake. What a big shock.

I thought I finally got my VoIP setup and under control.

I now have a big learning curve before I can re-evaluate the situation again.

OK, Firstly I use 3 VoXaLot accounts, and I was considering a 4th for when I get a mobile that supports WiFi and SIP.

No way could I aford or justify US$100 a Year to maintain these 4 numbers.

Here is my setup.

VoXaLot Accounts (4).
1 - Billion 6404VGP Port1. (Regestered to PennyTel for my DID inbound calls).
2 - Billion 6404VGP Port2.
3 - Forwarded number to my Conference provider.
4 - MObile Phone supporting WiFI / SIP. (Planned for the near future).

I assume the following will happen when I am switched to VoXbasic.

- I will no longer receive incomming calls from my PennyTel DID?
- Calls will no longer be forwarded to my Conference line?

I assume that most of this can be Handled by the Billion 6404VGP ATA instead of VoXaLot?

I am also considering setting up an Asterisk box here.

If I do this there are two things I am not sure about.

- How do I use / support SipBroker prefixes without VoXaLot access?
- Is it possible to hand off connections for my Conference line without each forwarded connection using local bandwidth.

The reason I run the conference offsite now is because my internet connection could not handle any more then maybe 3 concurrent calls and even then it's pushing things. Not to mention the limited data alotted each month.

Out of interest if VoxPremium offered up to say 4-5 accounts for the US$25 a year. I would definatly consider it.

For most users one VoXaLot account for US$25 will not be enough to meet their needs.

The prospect of having to pay an additional US$25 per account is likely to put them off using VoXaLot for their VoIP needs totally.

Most ATA's offer two phone ports. Most will want seperate numbers for each. As specially those wanting to use Fax on one line.

With mobile phones starting to support WiFi / SIP there is a third or even 4th account even possibly required by the user.


dc2007 07-04-2007 01:17 PM

the only thing that i will missed from this premium is the registration because i have sipgate uk and i can't find any other ones that gives free UK numbers such as the ones sipgate gives and can sip forward at that.
though if the premium can have this feature whereby that i can interrupt their voicemail and able to place a voip call then definitely premium is worth it. at least for me.

affinity 07-04-2007 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by vk4akp (Post 9935)
OK, Firstly I use 3 VoXaLot accounts, and I was considering a 4th for when I get a mobile that supports WiFi and SIP.

Depending on how you use the voxalot accounts, you may get by with just one.

How is it that you are using 3 accounts now? Did you know that a single account can be used to ring multiple devices with the first one to answer taking the call?

vk4akp 07-04-2007 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by affinity (Post 9937)
Depending on how you use the voxalot accounts, you may get by with just one.

How is it that you are using 3 accounts now? Did you know that a single account can be used to ring multiple devices with the first one to answer taking the call?

Yes, and this is exactly what I *don't* want the phones to do here.

I want separate numbers for each line.

OK here's how it works.

I have one line that accepts incomming calls from my DID. It is a general line for the family. They make normal call's on it and receive normal calls on it. (Port 1 of my ATA).

Port 2 of my ATA is for me to make separate outgoing calls on, that way I do not tie up the first line. I can still dial out to the normal PSTN on this second line, but I also and mainly use it for VoIP calls to conferences etc that I sit in.

The 3rd account is purely a call forwarding device. It is set up so that people from anywhere in the world can dial in on a PSTN-> VoIP gateway and enter the VoXaLot number and it then forwards the call directly to an external conference provider for the Equestrian Chat Line that we have had set up for free.

The 4th account would be for the Mobile I am looking at getting that would support WiFi/SIP.

All separate numbers all separate accounts.

So far I have spoken with some friends and Asterisk Guru's, and the only thing I can't get around so far by running my own asterisk box is the ability to forward calls for the party line without chewing up my own local bandwidth. And in Australia thats expensive. Our internet data rates are killers here. :(


affinity 07-04-2007 03:34 PM

Okay, then... let's see.

For the family line, upgrade to VoxPremium or register one specific VSP for that line directly.

Any numbers that can be called via the PSTN to VoIP gateway numbers can still work that way using VoxBasic -- provided the caller can use *010 and your voxalot number [obviously talking sipbroker here].

Most providers do not require you to have your account 'registered' to make calls, only to receive them.

So, for any outgoing only services, you can use VoxBasic account(s) to service them -- and as I said above, this will also work for incoming PSTN to VoIP gateway calls via Sipbroker.

If there are incoming calls on your ordinary land line, then you can probably do a SIP URI forward to a voxalot account to take those calls via your ATA configuration.

Being in Australia myself, I know that there are some pretty reasonable ISP options available -- but it depends alot on what is available for your exchange. I'll send you a PM on this.

affinity 07-04-2007 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by usf (Post 9928)
That is right, at least, should provide one (1) sip registration, let user test this feature , so attract user to buy premium plan.

The only problem with that is:
- what will stop people from registering a voxalot account per provider and then forwarding all calls to one catchall voxbasic account?

Another idea for Voxalot owners to consider:
Perhaps have a VoxPremium account at $US15 pa which includes one single SIP Registered provider. Then an extra $US3 for each additional SIP Registered provider.

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