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Conversation Between emoci and richard
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. richard
    02-16-2012 04:31 PM
    Hi Emoci

    I understand you to be a real 'Guru' on all things VoIP, so I was wondering if I can ask you a quick question.

    I'm looking for a data centre in Canada or the USA to that host an Asterisk box for me and I'm having trouble finding good information on VoIP optimized data centres on this side of the Atlantic.

    Do you know of an data centres in North America that specializes in VoIP and who optimizes traffic (QoS) for VoIP?

    If you know where Voxalot use to host their US server that would be a good start too.

    Hope its not too much trouble reaching out to you and hope to hear from you soon.



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