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-   -   Linksys spa3102 and Gateways.Help needed. (https://forum.sipbroker.com/showthread.php?t=605)

blackrider 10-20-2006 06:42 PM

Linksys spa3102 and Gateways.Help needed.
I am a complete newbie in this field.
I have configured my spa3102 with voipbuster on Line1 and configured the the 4 available Gateways with usernames and passwords.
Now how do invoke or use gateway 1 for example to make calls?Must I also craft a dial plan which i don't understand at all.
What button must i press on my phone to use gateway 1 or 2?
I have as well tried setting up a second voip provider(skypho) on the pstn side but I cant get it ring at all or ring through line 1.
Please any help will be greatly appreciated.

DracoFelis 10-20-2006 11:47 PM

Not that any of this has much to do with Voxalot, but since the 3102 is similar to the 3000 I use, I'll attempt to answer anyway. ;)


Originally Posted by blackrider (Post 3590)
I have configured my spa3102 with voipbuster on Line1 and configured the the 4 available Gateways with usernames and passwords.
Now how do invoke or use gateway 1 for example to make calls?Must I also craft a dial plan which i don't understand at all.


The SPA-3000/3102 gateways can only be accessed by using a non-default "Line 1" "Dial Plan". You will need to learn how to modify your Sipura dial plan, before you can accomplish what you want.

NOTE: In case you weren't previously aware, those 4 gateways can only be used for OUTGOING (you dial) calls (and even then, only after you customize your dial plan). The SPA-3000/3102 has no ability to accept inbound calls on those 4 "gateways"...

NOTE: Now if you were to make Voxalot your main "Line 1" provider, you could use the controls in Voxalot (including the Voxalot dial plan on our web portal), to access multiple VoIP providers of your choice (including multiple inbound providers), instead of using the more limited "gateways" built into your Sipura....


Originally Posted by blackrider (Post 3590)
What button must i press on my phone to use gateway 1 or 2?

Whatever you have setup in your Sipura "Line 1" dial plan to dial.

i.e. you can configure the answer to this question, to pretty much whatever you like, by how you construct your adapter's dial plan.


Originally Posted by blackrider (Post 3590)
I have as well tried setting up a second voip provider(skypho) on the pstn side but I cant get it ring at all or ring through line 1.

Not surprising, as it's not possible to use the PSTN side VoIP provider for normal usage. Instead, the PSTN side VoIP provider and only be used for special PSTN to VoIP (or VoIP to PSTN) gating functions. Since most people don't do any of these functions, most people can't usefully use the PSTN side VoIP provider.

NOTE: If you want to use the PSTN "line jack" at all, you will need to fill in something for the VoIP provider on the "PSTN" side of the adapter. However, if that's the only thing you are using the PSTN VoIP provider for (and for most users, it will be the only thing, as everything else is very advanced setup), than those VoIP credentials can be totally bogus (i.e. make up something that makes sense to you).


Originally Posted by blackrider (Post 3590)
Please any help will be greatly appreciated.

Since these are all questions about your adapter (not voxalot, per se), I suggest you check out the LinkSys/Sipura forum at http://www.voxilla.com . Most of these LinkSys/Sipura questions (along with many other) have long since been answered (repeatedly) on that Voxilla forum.

blackrider 10-21-2006 07:17 AM

Hi DracoFelis,Thanks a lot for your answers.Believe me I've read through even voxilla but i'm still confused.
I was actually using voxalot but because i couldn't figure it out i reconfigured my spa.
Now,I have my spa3102 line1 configured with voxalot.
I am in Switzerland and want to make local calls with voipbuster,some international calls with voipstunt and voipstick.
So what should my dial plan look and where should i put them?on my account dial plan or on my spa3102 dial plan?
I am just not good with figures and can't seem to understand it yet.

Thanks for all the help.

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