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hddlab 08-11-2009 10:52 AM

Freecall price
Hi, I´m Jose from Brasil and I work with phone. But I´m also an advertising man.
And as an advertising I would like to ask here if is normal to people in Europe adverting one thing and do another, or this is just a reflex of the announced crise?

The Betamax Clone Freecall had a price for landline call to Brazil of EU 0,005 then they rise the price to 0,010 - they sent an email to all costumers, but in june of this year the sent an email to all costumers saying that they have a new price 0,005 also they wrote in website this price, but they bill 0,010.

Many costumers sent emails to them asking what happens, but as usual they do not answer.

This suppose to be a crime, or not? This suppose to be a fraud? Or this is the new way to do business in Europe?

As a Brasillian I´m a little surprise once the world allways say that we do things by the wrong way, I´m 54 years old and I never did something like this in my life.

At least here in Brazil when one company do this, and did not remember the last time, they as punished.

I´m not asking for them to give the credit, the only thing that I would like is that the change the price in theyer page.

People that work in adverting will loose theyer credit, once adverting is serious thing but when companies start to say one thing and do another this is something...

I hope someone here know where to write what is happening in a place where someone of Fianrea or Betamax can see.

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