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vincenzo 05-08-2009 08:05 AM

SOLVED: Budgetphone SIP registration stopped working
I've been a satisfied Voxalot premium user for over a year now.

Now I wouldn't post here unless I had a problem which I couldn't solve myself, which is the case now.

I use Budgetphone (Dutch SIP provider) to receive incoming calls, everything worked fine up till a few days ago. People told me I was unreachable, so I first checked my router setting (which I didn't change, but ok) and I then checked the Voxalot member page.

There is says: Failed

So basically it can't register anymore and no one is able to call me, unless they of course use the SIP-uri (which they don't because they all have PSTN or GSM).

To figure out if it was my account I set Budgetphone in my router, and I then called myself on my number, which worked fine.

So my guess is something is wrong on the Voxalot side or Budgetphone has been playing with the settings, not allowing Voxalot to register at their service anymore.

Could any of the officials here see what they can do about this? I would really like to be reachable to other people again.

Oh, and one more thing... I have 2 Voxalot accounts, both with a Budgetphone account set in it, and both stopped working. I don't think it's coincidence.

Thanks for your time so far!

emoci 05-08-2009 08:19 AM

BudgetPhone is switching their servers over....http://forum.voxalot.com/sip-broker-...er-adress.html

Any chance your accounts have migrated to the new server?

130166 05-08-2009 08:27 AM

You know Budgetphone have new server and changed servername to sip1.budgetphone.nl.

(At the moment I do not use Voxalot premium, but I remember from last year, you need two providers (for incoming and outgoing). I do not know, or that is still needed with new Budgetphone-server.)

emoci 05-08-2009 08:31 AM


The old server required something like this:
Example Provider Settings Budgetphone.nl - Voxalot FAQ

vincenzo 05-08-2009 07:11 PM

When I tested my Budgetphone account on my router with the normal sip.budgetphone.nl everything worked fine.

I tried sip1.budgetphone.nl in Voxalot, but I am still getting failed.

Maybe someone who is on sip1 can post his settings here?

Anyone else got another idea? :)


phantom 05-08-2009 10:49 PM

I had this problem myself and I just found the solution:

Host: sip1.budgetphone.nl

That's fine, but also use:

Username: 31xxxxxxxxx@sip1.budgetphone.nl

Then Budgetphone will register.

vincenzo 05-09-2009 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by phantom (Post 23033)
I had this problem myself and I just found the solution:

Host: sip1.budgetphone.nl

That's fine, but also use:

Username: 31xxxxxxxxx@sip1.budgetphone.nl

Then Budgetphone will register.

Hi Phantom,

Thanks for your tip, my Budgetphone account does register now, however I am still unable to call myself. If I call myself from my mobile I get that annoying Budgetphone voice-mail.

Could you please post me your working settings?

I have;

Provider Name: Budgetphone Inbound
From user: 31xxxxxxxxx
From domain: sip1.budgetphone.nl (I also tried just budgetphone.nl, same results)
Username: <31xxxxxxxxx@sip1.budgetphone.nl>
Codecs: alaw;ulaw;g726;g729;ilbc;gsm
Host: sip1.budgetphone.nl
Port: 5060
Active: Yes
SIP Register: Yes

TheFug 05-09-2009 01:52 PM

Budgetphone now has some stronger authorization policies .......

vincenzo 05-09-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by TheFug (Post 23037)
Budgetphone now has some stronger authorization policies .......

I see! But what does that have to do with my problems? Do you care to explain please? :)

carlosalbffgomes 05-09-2009 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by vincenzo (Post 23038)
I see! But what does that have to do with my problems? Do you care to explain please? :)

I don't know the exact policy used by the referred VSP, but several problems, like yours, may arise from security measures, namely firewall rules that can reject connection from some IP addresses range, specific IP address, or authentication requiring non standard, or not usually used, methods.
There are several risks on open internet, so some security measures tends to be putted in place. However, this measures tends to give birth to several connections problems, so they must be balanced. There are other reasons why some of these measures are taken, namely commercial reasons. Voxalot doesn't do that, but several VSPs do. So, it's impossible to guarantee that open services like Voxalot will work with 100% possible configurations and VSPs. Voxalot can not control such things, so it must rely on complying with standards.

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