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dimitrivisser 10-08-2008 11:51 AM

Voicemail file with Windows Mobile
I have a HTC Touch pro with Windows Mobile. I am using voicemail with Voxalot. When I receive the email from Voxalot on my phone with the voicemail attached the format of the voicemail-file is not recognised.

The name of the attachment is "Voicemail sound attachment", when I try to open it I get an errormessage "Unrecognized file type".

When I download the same message with Microsoft Outlook on XP or Vista the name of the attachment is msg0035.WAV. When I synchronize the email in Outlook with my phone I can listen to the voicemail on my phone without problems. Filename and type are recognised correctly.

I get email with soundattachments also from another provider and don't have problems with them. So there is something "wrong" the way the attachment is sent by Voxalot. The filename and type are not recognised by Windows mobile. Is it possible to change the way voicemail attachments are sent ?

dimitrivisser 10-09-2008 07:29 PM

Is there anybody who can help me with this ? Maybe somebody from Voxalot support ?

craig 10-09-2008 08:57 PM

I am not sure if I can help. That email is sent out by our underlying telephony engine (Asterisk), and when I have a look at their source code, it looks to be constructing the message OK to me.

Given that it works in the normal Outlook app (and loads of other email clients) I can only presume that it is a deficiency in the way the Windows Mobile email client works. Sorry I can't help more.


dimitrivisser 10-09-2008 11:02 PM

It has something to do with the way the attachment is sent by Voxalot. Windows Mobile 5 had that problem already, hoped that buying a new phone with Windows Mobile 6.1 would help. But it didn't. I am a little bit surprised I didn't found other users complaining about the same problem ;-)

I found a workaround for it. Voxalot now sends the voicemail to a Gmail account. If I access the mail from my phone with IMAP (not POP3) everything is allright.

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