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voip_reseller 10-12-2007 11:10 AM

Block VoIP
i got customer from UAE facing big problem, UAE country not allow using VoIP, is start beginning block all lowrate, skype, do u has any method can avoid this and continue using it. Thanks for help

DracoFelis 10-12-2007 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by voip_reseller (Post 13325)
i got customer from UAE facing big problem, UAE country not allow using VoIP, is start beginning block all lowrate, skype, do u has any method can avoid this and continue using it. Thanks for help

A VPN ("Virtual Private Network", encrypted data "tunnel") to a server on a non-blocked portion of the internet will almost always bypass ISP level blocks, assuming your ability to connect (and establish a VPN) to that server isn't in and of itself "blocked". However, that approach will come at the "price" of additional latency in the call, and also the (possibly much higher) "price" of whatever it takes to negotiate access to such a VPN server. And since most VoIP adapters don't support VPNs, you will likely also have to get a VPN enabled "router" (and put the VoIP adapter BEHIND that VPN enabled NAT router) to enable your VoIP adapter to use the VPN.

But before you investigate technical means to get around VoIP call blocks (at the ISP level), you might want to make sure it is even LEGAL to use VoIP in the country with those blocks. I'm not a lawyer, but it is my (layman's) understanding that using unauthorized (as in not authorized by the local government) VoIP can be a serious CRIMINAL offense in some countries!

Thankfully most of us (myself included) live in countries where VoIP is quite legal (and in such countries where VoIP is open/legal, blocks by the ISP are just blocks by your ISP, not a legal matter per se). And it's also true that even those countries where unlicensed/unregulated VoIP is illegal, might not want to bother enforcing the law unless you make a big pain of yourself. However, technical attempts to skirt VoIP "blocks" are often "detectable" by those controlling the internet (in those areas), even when the attempts to bypass the blocks succeed. And such attempts (if/when detected) could be seen (by some police) as clear-cut "evidence" as to your "criminal intent" (i.e. you are now actively trying to seek ways to break the law, even when counter-measures are in place).

So if I were you, I wouldn't try doing ANYTHING to get around that "block", until you have checked (with a lawyer, or other sound legal counsel) that doing so (to allow you to use VoIP) is legal in the country you wish to circumvent the "block" in. Otherwise, you may find yourself in more legal hot-water than you bargained for...

Of course, that's just my (cautious) advice on the matter. You are free to take it or leave it as you see fit.

dc2007 10-14-2007 03:38 AM

i have read this months ago and i believe legally its prohibited :(
speaking of vpn..do spa3k can handle it? though as i understand and please confirm this...encryption between spa3k is possible isn't it? but only between those to points.

DracoFelis 10-14-2007 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by dc2007 (Post 13368)
i have read this months ago and i believe legally its prohibited :(

That would be a good reason not to do it then...


Originally Posted by dc2007 (Post 13368)
speaking of vpn..do spa3k can handle it? though as i understand and please confirm this...encryption between spa3k is possible isn't it? but only between those to points.

Not quite.

It's true that the SPA-3000 has no built-in VPN ability. And it's also true that the SPA-3000 can handle VOICE encryption (but as far as know, not the initial call setup info encryption) if you get everything correct. And I've even done this. But you have to get EVERYTHING correct, or the unit will "fall back" to normal (non-encrypted) communication.

i.e. to use the SPA-3000's voice encryption you need: 1) The call has to be a direct adapter to adapter call, with no VoIP providers in the voice path (but you can still use a VoIP provider to help with the initial call setup). 2) Both adapters have to have this encryption feature, and both have to have it enabled. 3) Both adapters have to have UNIQUE encryption keys installed, and they are NOT installed by default (the easiest place to get the keys is probably the "wizard" on the Voxilla website). 4) And the calling party either needs to ask for encryption, or needs to have their adapter configured to always try encrypted calls first.

Bottom line: Yes, you can use the RTP encryption of the SPA-3000, but it is a PITA to setup, and will only work with direct calls to people who also have done the work to setup their LinkSys/Sipura adapter for the encryption feature (and most people with those adapters probably haven't gone to the trouble).

Keep in mind that any VoIP adapter (including an SPA-3000) that you put behind your router, will naturally use whatever internet is on your LAN. So I see no reason why it wouldn't use a VPN setup by your ROUTER (assuming your router has VPN abilities, as some low-cost routers do), as it would (to the SPA-3000) look just like any other internet access (as your router would be handling all the details of the VPN, in that case). So with the proper router, I see no reason why you couldn't do a VPN tunnel with the SPA-3000, it's just that it wouldn't be the SPA-3000 doing the encryption, it would really be your router doing the encryption (and the SPA-3000 just using the encrypted VPN tunnel that the router sets up).

dc2007 10-14-2007 09:49 AM

so i guess its practical to have 2 pre-configured spa3k between the 2 parties to accomplish a seamless end-to-end encryption with the sole purpose of just using it in such a way and nothing more or just go back to sofphone with encryption.
i never thought of that router vpn. thanks for this informative reply

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