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wdurrani 03-22-2008 03:36 PM

User not activated yet

Can someone at Voxalot look into voxalot # 860545 please. The ATA was failing to register for past few days and I thought that problem was with ATA or Internet but today I tried to log in to the account and repeatedly got the message "User not activated yet". This number on the same ATA was being used for past 3 months or so and was all active and working. When someone dials this number the voice message gets delivered to the email address. Looks like something went wrong at Voxalot end.


wdurrani 03-22-2008 03:43 PM

figured out the problem!!!

I figured out the problem within minutes of posting this question. Actually I had changed the email address and voxalot had sent a confirmation email to the new address and it went to my junkmail folder and i didn't notice it. I thought of checking the junkmail folder and there was the message from voxalot asking to confirm the email change. I did that and now its working okay.


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