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claw 02-21-2006 06:15 PM

SIP Broker pstn number to call voxalot number
Hello, I used FWD before and SIP Broker works for that.
But I am doing the same thing for Voxalot but how come it does not reach me? I called the SIP Broker and then *010 (6 digit voxalot number).
Is it suppose to be like this?

martin 02-21-2006 08:36 PM

Hi Claw,

Yes, however your phone will only ring if your ATA is registered with Voxalot and not just using the dial plan. That is why we provide the call forward service www.voxalot.com/action/callForward. Just add the SIP URI of the provider that the ATA is registered with in the default field and make sure you select "Active"="Yes".

martin 02-24-2006 11:10 PM

FYI a fix went in for this last night.

stephenh 02-26-2006 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by martin
Hi Claw,

Yes, however your phone will only ring if your ATA is registered with Voxalot and not just using the dial plan. That is why we provide the call forward service www.voxalot.com/action/callForward. Just add the SIP URI of the provider that the ATA is registered with in the default field and make sure you select "Active"="Yes".

Can you give us an example please Martin?

Eg my OzTell username is 899060xxxxxxxx

and the proxy is sip2.oztralia.com

Would it be ??




martin 02-26-2006 03:54 AM

Hi Stephen,

Yeah that's right. You might need to check with OZtell about them allowing an inbound from voxalot.com.

To test if the forward is working, maybe put sip:613@fwd.pulver.com in the default field and active="yes"

Then call your VoXaLot number and it should forward to FWD echo test.

Then change the FWD URI to OZtell and try again. If it fails then you might need to post a question on the OZtell support forum.

Let us know how you go.

stephenh 02-26-2006 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by martin
Let us know how you go.

Just tried it "both ways" and had complete success with OzTell at least.

That is, I called the Sydney SipBroker PSTN Gateway 02 8307-8846 and then dialed:-

1. My Voxalot ENUM 8829993 <Voxalot Number> which rang the Oztell phone

called back and tried:-

2. *010 <Voxalot Number> and again it rang my OzTell registered phone...

Still trying to get my head around how this ties in with SipBroker and why one would use one or the other. I think I've given myself too many options :-)

No doubt some profound pieces of documentation to soon follow? :-)

Further Update

As another test I removed the Call Forward from Voxalot so it was blank (ie no forwarding) and then set up Voxalot as an "External Internet Phone Provider" within my OzTell Web PABX. I then called the Sipbroker Gateway and dialed my Voxalot ENUM and again the OzTell phone rang.

So with OzTell at least, if you have the Web PABX option, you can happily "register" Voxalot on your OzTell account. As an aside, by similar method I've also got SIPME and Astratel registered on my OzTell Web PABX, so anyone can dial my SipMe or Astratel numbers and it rings as well (No luck getting my BBPGlobal and PennyTel numbers going the same way though... they also don't work via SipBroker for probably the same reasons?).

I know, I know, they could do that via SipBroker, but many people can't cope with that :-) Or are using SIP devices that don't have dial plans or whatever.


martin 02-26-2006 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by stephenh
Just tried it "both ways" and had complete success with OzTell at least.

Good stuff!


Originally Posted by stephenh
Still trying to get my head around how this ties in with SipBroker and why one would use one or the other. I think I've given myself too many options :-)

You hit the nail on the head Stephen - it's all about options. With both SIP Broker and now VoXaLot, users have more flexability than ever to configure what's right for their needs. Rather than us dictating how things should be done we thought it would be better to make available the pieces and allow people to choose the right solution.

Sure there is some overlap between SIP Broker and VoXaLot however that was always our intent.


Originally Posted by stephenh
No doubt some profound pieces of documentation to soon follow? :-)

Ah yes the documentation :) ... yes it will come. We might set-up a Wiki like the SIP Broker one for people to share information. In the mean time hopefully this forum will help. Your post is a good example of the kind of information that helps others ;)

BTW thanks Stephen for your donation.

hd2002 05-24-2006 12:49 AM

I got a question here!

If I want to use sipbroker PSTN gateway to call my voxalot number,
Saying I call a UK PSTN +44 20-7100-6747, then I dial *010{my voxalot number}

Must my ATA or softphone register with sipbroker?
Its sip proxy is point to "sipbroker.com", real domain is "voxalot.com".

Or just register with voxalot is OK ?
Its sip proxy is point to "voxalot.com", real domain is "voxalot.com".



DracoFelis 05-24-2006 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by hd2002
If I want to use sipbroker PSTN gateway to call my voxalot number,
Saying I call a UK PSTN +44 20-7100-6747, then I dial *010{my voxalot number}

Must my ATA or softphone register with sipbroker?

No SIP Broker setup is needed. As long as your adapter can accept calls from some VoIP provider that is callable from SIP Broker (and VoXaLot is calling via *010 ), than anyone who wishes to call you "for free" can use the SIP Broker PSTN numbers to call your adapter (by dialing *010 and your VoXaLot number).


Originally Posted by hd2002
Or just register with voxalot is OK ?
Its sip proxy is point to "voxalot.com", real domain is "voxalot.com".


However, as Martin mentioned, you do need to setup your VoXaLot account to accept inbound calls, for this to work. Which means you either need to: A) Have your VoIP adapter "register" with VoXaLot (instead of just using them as an outbound service), or B) Properly setup the VoXaLot default forwarding option, so that it send the call to some place that can ring your adapter.

FWIW: I use option B, as it gives me more flexibility. But option A is easier to setup.

hd2002 05-24-2006 06:27 AM

Thanks DracoFelis.

Finially, I found the issue.

I tested voxalot with x-lite softphone yesterday, but I never can get incoming calls.

Then I set the "out bound proxy" to "voxalot.com", it started to work.



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