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-   -   How to register all my phones and direct calls to each? (https://forum.sipbroker.com/showthread.php?t=4137)

tshanks 06-30-2009 11:49 PM

How to register all my phones and direct calls to each?
So... I'm a little bit of a SIP/VoIP nerd, but I don't understand how to use your service.

I have a phone at one seat at work, another phone at another, another at my girlfriend's house, another in my room, another in the den, and another someone else. Each has four lines. I have incoming calls on any of four DIDs through Vitelity.

I want to map lines on each phone to some of the DIDs. They should work incoming and outgoing on their assigned DID. Several phones will ring at once for each of the DIDs, of course.

How do I do this?

emoci 07-01-2009 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by tshanks (Post 23793)
So... I'm a little bit of a SIP/VoIP nerd, but I don't understand how to use your service.

I have a phone at one seat at work, another phone at another, another at my girlfriend's house, another in my room, another in the den, and another someone else. Each has four lines. I have incoming calls on any of four DIDs through Vitelity.

I want to map lines on each phone to some of the DIDs. They should work incoming and outgoing on their assigned DID. Several phones will ring at once for each of the DIDs, of course.

How do I do this?

I think your needs maybe a bit further than what you can do with just VoXalot ( I suspect you have gotten used to a full fledged PBX system) :D ...

The General Idea:

Incoming Calls:
-You can receive Incoming SIP Calls to user@voxalot.com
-If any of your DIDs can be forwarded to SIP directly from the provider you can forward them to user@voxalot.com
-If you cannot forward your DIDs from the provider but you have a user, pass, and host for each of them...you can have VoXalot register with the server (this is a paid feature)
>>Let me clarify something about the point above: Unlike a full PBX, in order to treat different DIDs differently VoXalot would require that each have their own register info...eg. A scenario where the same VSP provider acct. such as Vitelity has multiple DIDs... and you would treat each differently by matching the incoming value of the user part of the To header (the sort of thing you'd expect from a PBX) you cannot do here.

Ringing Calls:
-From what you describe (in terms of needing different ATAs to ring depending on the called DIDs) it seems like you need a system with mutliple extensions...that again is not available here
-You can register all your ATAs to the same VoXalot acct....and when a call comes in they'll all ring simultaneously with the first to pickup taking the call

Outgoing Calls:
-This is where VoXalot shines in that the Outgoing Dial Plan interface is a lot easier to use than most other systems.... you can pick and choose among your providers for least cost routing (and all this is available on a basic free acct.)
-On the other hand there is no provider fallback should the first provider fail...

All in all depending on what you're after you've got two choices:
-You can have most of your features for Free to Cheap...but you'll have to get creative combining VoXalot's features with those from MySipSwitch.com (which will soon be re-released as sipsourcery.com)
-Also take a look at PBXes.com which is more likely to be closer to a full fledged PBX......

Hope that helped and didn't confuse you further...

tshanks 07-02-2009 01:38 PM

AHHHH! But I already paid! Why can't I have multiple extensions? That's sort of useless... who wants all their phones doing the same thing?

It's not like anyone else uses my phones.

tshanks 07-02-2009 01:39 PM

I just tried to register each line on a GXP 3000 to voxalot and voxalot won't even let them all log into the same account! Is there a two line maximum?

tshanks 07-02-2009 01:40 PM

Maybe I can just have my money back? *pout*

I wish you said this in a webpage on your main web site so I didn't spend all this on naught. :(

tshanks 07-07-2009 02:50 PM

Please give me my money back? I can't use the service for anything. I tried to find out whether it was useful to me without paying but the information did not seem to be available. I though paying got me support, but it didn't get that either!

I just got ripped off!


TheFug 07-14-2009 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by tshanks (Post 23905)
Please give me my money back? I can't use the service for anything. I tried to find out whether it was useful to me without paying but the information did not seem to be available. I though paying got me support, but it didn't get that either!

I just got ripped off!


Well, now you are sure of that.....saying this.... :)

tshanks 07-14-2009 08:10 PM

Please can I have my money back?

The service is of no use to me!

You never describe that it does or doesn't do this on your website. I asked weeks ago.


kurun 07-16-2009 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by tshanks (Post 23829)
Why can't I have multiple extensions? That's sort of useless... who wants all their phones doing the same thing?

It sounds like you would like different phones to do different things.
Have you considered a different account for each phone?
This would seem to me to be a better approach.
Phones on different accounts can be made to ring together or separately by using additional services as mentioned earlier by Emoci.

martin 07-17-2009 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by tshanks (Post 23905)
Please give me my money back? I can't use the service for anything. I tried to find out whether it was useful to me without paying but the information did not seem to be available. I though paying got me support, but it didn't get that either!

I just got ripped off!


Please email payments [_at_] voxalot [_dot] com with your request,

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