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Corbu' 04-20-2010 01:50 AM

Is Betamax / Dellmont CID system dead ?
I am using two Betamax / Dellmont clones (Jumblo and Rynga) and I can’t send my CID anymore with any of them. I had a few numbers verified and everything was working fine for the last few months (with just an occasional glitch once in a while), but now the CIDs are completely dead. I only get one consistent outbound CID no matter what verified number I put in...and it is not one of my verified numbers. It is either that, or no CID. It is the same regardless if I call through Voxalot or their VoIP PC client.

Anybody else having the same problems ?

beaver 04-20-2010 05:04 AM

I am in the same boat. My voipstunt and rynga never take my CID correctly. After trying three times, it's locked. Hence I gave up.

mgoebel 04-20-2010 06:18 PM

Same here: No CID with Rynga, although it worked before.

ataboy 04-20-2010 08:53 PM

Just to be contrary . . . CID is passed correctly for me (using Voipdiscount).

Corbu' 04-21-2010 10:09 AM

Yes, the CID system is functional again. For those who still don't have working CID, reset in with the PC client.

beaver 04-22-2010 05:52 AM

But after three tries, the account is locked, couldn't try any more.

Corbu' 04-22-2010 01:16 PM

What do you mean locked? I changed my CID many times and it never got locked, not even now with the CID "paralysis".

beaver 04-28-2010 06:41 AM

After I tried three times, betamax prompted some thing "maximum try is limited to three" then I couldn't go through any more. I read similar posts at various forums.

Corbu' 05-01-2010 02:02 AM

Strange. Maybe it depends on what Betamax clone you are using. Right now I am using Jumblo and Rynga and I have no problems with locking CID.

beaver 05-01-2010 07:03 AM

Re: Anyone use VOIP Stunt? - dslreports.com

That's a report in dsl forums. I have exactly same problem. passing all settings but anyway no correct cid displayed. this time cid may be "abcd". next time may be "9876".... none of them was my real phone number.

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